Authors        Recent Results

Recent Results

As an adjunct to the main conference, the Technical Program Committee is opening a "Recent Results" track that will offer the opportunity for rapid publication of emerging work by industry and academia. The "Recent Results“ track will accept submissions in all topics relevant to ICTC. Please note that the submissions to the recent results will not undergo a formal review and will not appear in the published proceedings. For presentation, the "Recent Results" papers have to register through the website. (*If you encounter any problem in registration, please let us ( ))
  Submission Guideline
Submit a single-page paper, including the title, authors, affiliations, and email addresses, to the Recent Results track on EDAS via link. Ensure that the submission is formatted according to the provided guidelines.

  Template Download

  Presentation Guideline
Papers submitted to the “Recent Results” track and registered will be presented in “Recent Results” poster sessions.
  Important Dates
Submission Deadline : August 30, 2024
Registration Deadline : September 20, 2024