Program         Keynote Speeches

Keynote Speeches

  Sparse Code Multiple Access for Satellite-IoT Applications

Prof. Pei Xiao
Institute for Communication Systems (ICS),
Home for 5GIC & 6GIC,
University of Surrey, United Kingdom
In future Satellite-IoT networks, the number of connected devices inevitably exceeds the number of available resource-slots, given the ever-increasing demand, which results in an over-loaded or a generalized rank-deficient condition. In this case, the system’s performance is highly dependent on the multiuser interference management. Sparse code multiple access (SCMA), a code-domain non-orthogonal multiplex access (CD-NOMA) technique, has emerged as a promising candidate solution to address the over-loaded conditions, and fulfil the requirement of massive connectivity.

This talk explores SCMA's fundamentals and focuses on three crucial aspects: i) optimizing SCMA codebooks to enhance performance; ii) reducing decoding complexity to enable practical implementation; iii) leveraging SCMA’s capability to operate in overloaded conditions in the design of efficient random access protocols, with the aim to minimize signaling overhead and latency. By addressing these key areas, we demonstrate SCMA's potential as a promising technology for future Satellite-IoT networks, capable of supporting massive device connectivity while maintaining system efficiency."
Pei Xiao is a professor of Wireless Communications at the Institute for Communication Systems, home of 5GIC and 6GIC at the University of Surrey. He is the technical manager of 5GIC/6GIC, leading the research team in the new physical layer work area, and coordinating/supervising research activities across all the work areas ( Prior to this, he worked at Newcastle University and Queen’s University Belfast. He also held positions at Nokia Networks in Finland. He has published extensively in the fields of communication theory, RF and antenna design, signal processing for wireless communications, and is an inventor on over 15 recent 5GIC patents addressing bottleneck problems in 5G systems.

  European Space Agency’s Vision for 6G NTN

Dr. Fabrizio De Paolis
Implementation Manager of the ESA Space for 5G and 6G Program Line
European Space Agency
ESA is ready for 6G and is guiding its industrial partners in the development of new 6G satellite technology, as well as the migration of existing telecommunication applications from 5G to 6G. Through its Space for 5G/6G and Sustainable Connectivity Strategic Programme Line, ESA seeks to join with like-minded organizations working towards the development of satellite technologies and applications that use 6G connectivity. ESA is providing the means and expertise for its current and future industrial partners to get involved in the 6G revolution. In order for integration of satellites to be successful in 6G, terrestrial industry partners must be able to experiment and test in a real environment that can only be provided by a 6G laboratory in space. ESA is on course to be the first to launch a 6G-enabling satellite into orbit. In the spirit of the promotion of validation activities, a state-of-the-art 5G/6G Hub has been built at ESA’s European Centre for Space Applications and Telecommunications (ECSAT) at Harwell in the UK. The Hub acts as a catalyst for the proliferation communities working on 5G/6G activities across ESA Member States to facilitate their engagement and collaboration with one another, and to promote international cooperation and standardisation. Just as ESA guided the standardisation of 5G for Europe, the agency will continue to lead and support the space industry in developing satellites, space networks, solutions and applications, contributing to successfully achieving the objectives of 6G connectivity.
Fabrizio De Paolis received the “Laurea” (degree) in Electronic Engineering and the PhD in Applied Electromagnetics from the Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. He started his career in the space industry, where he was involved in the modelling and design of RF equipment and subsystems for space applications. He was also the technical lead of commercial satellite programs for major prime contractors. Since 2009, he has been with the European Space Agency, where he was initially supporting industrial and R&D activities related to RF payload equipment and technologies. He was later responsible for the initiation, negotiation, and delivery of large and high-risk development contracts in the areas of user terminal RF/digital ASIC and antenna. He is currently the Implementation Manager of the ESA Space for 5G and 6G Program Line, covering the strategy, coordination and implementation of development projects involving converged satellite and terrestrial 5G/6G networks, with a high degree of innovation, in terms of technologies, services and business models