Registration        Registration


  Registration Schedule
  • Author Registration Deadline : September 20, 2024
  • Early Registration Deadline (Non-Author) : ~ 6 pm. October 1, 2024
  • Late Registration: October 2 ~ 18, 2024
  Registration Policy
  • To be published in the ICTC 2024 Conference Proceedings, a minimum of one author from each accepted paper MUST register at the registration fee (member or non-member) and the paper must be presented at the conference.
  • “Member” rates apply to members of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), IEICE (The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers), KICS (Korea Institute of Communications and Information Science), and CIC (China Institute of Communications).
  • A valid student ID is required at the registration desk to check the eligibility for student-rate registration.
  • Author/ Non-Author registration cannot be refunded after early registration.
  • Please note that the registered participants can enjoy all conference sessions (technical paper sessions, workshops, plenary sessions including keynote speeches, industrial sessions, and special session), get conference proceedings (can be downloaded from conference website), coffee breaks, luncheon tickets, and a ticket for banquet.
  Registration Fee
* Student : Student registration fee does not apply to the author registration.
Member / Non-member
USD (International) KRW (Domestic)
Regular Early Birds $650 / $720 ₩740,000 / ₩820,000
Late $730 / $850 ₩840,000 / ₩970,000
Student Early Birds $440 / $500 ₩500,000 / ₩570,000
Late $500 / $550 ₩570,000 / ₩630,000
  Method of Payment
* Card
  • Visa, Master, and JCB are available to use for online registration.
  • Payment by credit card is available through the online procedure.
  • All service charges on credit card are to be paid by registrants.
  • Actual debit amount is subject to change according the exchange rate.

* Bank Transfer
  • All bank remittance charges are to be paid by registrants.
  • Sender’s name should be the registrant’s name.
Account No. 896-021317-13-116
Bank Address 1-203, Hoehyeon-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea
Beneficiary The Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences (KICS)
Beneficiary Address 32-3, Nonhyeon-ro 38-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06296, Korea
Beneficiary TEL +82-2-3453-5555
  Refund policy
If you have already registered for ICTC2024 and find that you are unable to attend or cancel the paper, please notify ICTC2024 secretariat in writing to to request a refund and cancel your registration. Refund will be made upon receipt of this written notice after the conference.

If you have any questions, please contact Registration Secretariat of ICTC 2024 at
Refund No Refund
Notice Received before early registration Cancellation fee : US$55.00 Notice Received after early registration No Refund
